Thursday, September 09, 2010

Poll number 4

For the Poll the question was:    How did you come here?

here are the results:

In addition I create a sub post folder and asked people to explain a little more especially for blogger google and forum search sadly only one people used this feature to give is opinion

I have added his comment :

I am not sure anymore, either a link from Planetphillip, or simply a Google search, looking for some active Quake2 SP community stuff. Q2 is still one of my favourite SP games (so I also play Q1 and oaccasionally other games as well), so I´am happy I found your site. I visit your blog regularely. Good job!

I was really estonish that  most of the people find this blog through google search sothat it seems that this is the best way to promote you blog also giving feedback to people making maps through forum seems also a good deal to be find
A new poll will come soon since quite a while I have made some excell speadsheet regarding maps and mod for game releases that I have compiled for quite a long I would like to complete them through info given by you, readers, and also share this with you taking in account that all maps and mod refered in bold are available through personnal backup
Finally it can interest some people, since I have less and less time ,to review stuff.
 If anybody out there would like to share my passion and add some review of maps and mods feel free to contact me I would really appreciate