Author: Jan Harcarik and Michal Rendos
Release date: 9 June 1999
Size: 8 975 ko
Number of maps: 9
website: none
download: At Quake Industrial complex
None but the title says it as a resumé...
Review :
This nighth maps unit is the first release from this small two peoples team. It provide a perfect balance between gameplay, puzzle and architecture.
Gameplay and the way it is display through the whole unit makes really the power of this release. You will never get bored and will most of the time think what's you should do to progress, from the incubator at start with you only pulse gun to the end makron fight. Visual is omnipresent and enhance this whole episode .
In conclusion: Another interesting release that is worth for you to reinstall you Q2 version if you never play this one before.
Playtime: 2 Hours
Note: for the one interested in the statistic releated with the release here are the details:
enemies ____objectives____ secrets_
Perfunctory Control |
map 2 : Deep Impertinence ________26/27_______ 1/1________ 0/1
map 3 : Bitter Fortune____________28/28_______0/0________ 0/1
map 4 : Pefunctory Control__________9/9________0/0________ 0/0
map 5 : End Is Near______________66/66_______5/5________ 2/3
map 6 : Endless Possibility_________54/54_______3/3________ 1/1
map 7 : Naveless Power___________25/25_______2/2_________1/1
map 8 : Day that you Fear_________14/14_______2/2_________0/0
map 9 : End of All Songs___________2/2________1/1_________0/0