Title: Curse : Episode 1
Author: Curse team
Release date: 28 may 2009
Size: 240 047 ko
Number of maps: 3
website: official website
download: at filefront
Author's Note:
Curse Episodes is a Half-Life 2 single player total conversion : a mix of physics based combat, puzzles and exploration. In the first episode you can explore an egyptian necropolis and kill mummies, monsters with a morning star. Curse Episodes is a Half-Life 2 single player total conversion : a mix of physics based combat, puzzles and exploration. In the first episode you can explore an egyptian necropolis and kill mummies, monsters with a morning star.

Review :
Whoaw, when I saw the screenshots of this total conversion I was really impressed by the high quality view and thaugh I would give it a try as soon as I could.
Design is really from great quality in term of general layout and developpment (new monsters, textures, colors and features) the aim is to create a kind of egyptian experience more base on spirit effect and exploration in order to solve puzzle than real epic battles. You progression wil be catch by the wonderfull layout it's so impressive at the first look that you just stay in front of you screen and enjoy the instant. Attention has been put in everything great texturing impressive egyptian architecture, movable/breakable objects the color theme puzzles associted with 'colored theme' chambers and the mix between enemies and puzzles you will need to solve
Gameplay was perhaps a little be put in downward in my opinion simply because the objective is different from classic HL2, here like in an egyptian temple you will mix puzzle solving to access new locations and this agremented with some enemy fight base on a kind of spirit effect not that easy to use. then you will wonder what next to do do you really need to travel way back or is it just close to you actual progression you will more and more deliver access to new room but the complicated inteconnection (which seems totally justify by the egyptian theme) will make you catched attention decrease slowly. For the ambiance event if it comes with a perfectly suitable music theme, the real immersion missed something ( a toarch light progression, traps affecting you progression and some oppressing feeling). The project was perhaps a little to ambitious to integrate all those interesting stuffs without loosing a little of you attention for as long as the experience will take place.

In conclusion: visualy this modification is really tremendous with great reward through music and visual, sadly for me the easy way to get lost not knowing what to do next in addition with the lack of trill and fear created a downtrend attention while progressing...the main reason in my opinion was the fact that the team didn't focus on some choice but wanted to cover all new idea that came up and shine like THE stuff to add.
Playtime: 1 hours 30 minRating: A B C D E (87%)